Go For Seiko! Why You Need To Be Collecting Seiko Watches

seiko collector modding seikos

Seiko is not given enough credit as a watchmaking company. Some people may give funny looks if you tell them your dream watch is a Seiko—but what they probably don’t know is the rich history behind this timepiece manufacturer. Not only do they create quality watches that are affordable to the bulk of the population, but also remember they almost shut down Switzerland’s watch industry back in the 1900s.

Seiko is definitely in a class of its own, while the rest of the luxury timepieces people praise can slug it out in their own arena. Here’s why the Japanese watchmaker’s pieces are something that you want to be collecting:

Seiko Has A True Heritage In Horology

What started in 1881 as a Japanese man’s goal to make amazing time-telling devices—today, Seiko has over a century of hard work, evolving through the times to be what they now are. Despite setbacks from the two World Wars, Seiko’s ambition is enough to call them true horological engineers.

Each piece tells a piece of history and how they battled the top watch brands from Europe and America to be successful. Not to mention their amazing innovations in the creation of the quartz movement, almost making them the most dominant watchmakers the world has ever seen.

Seiko Watches Have Great Value For Money

While the saying is true that quality doesn’t come cheap, Seiko watches are one of those that are exceptions to that rule. While they aren’t quite as close to their luxury counterparts in terms of clout and popularity, their watch models are just as sturdy and of similar quality. The technology and craftsmanship the Seiko engineers put into their timepieces are similar to that of the Swiss big wigs—which is why we don’t get the stink eye against them!

For daily use that has great styling, what else can you ask for in a watch?

Servicing A Seiko Is Easy

When you own a luxury timepiece that costs upwards of tens of thousands of dollars, you would not dare send your watch to any shop but certified repair and maintenance centers. While this is already a bit of a struggle to do, mostly because their store locations are a bit far from most people, maintenance work on a watch that expensive is also just as costly!

Seikos are not picky watches. Japanese craftsmen seem to have got the swing of things, especially when it comes to technology, as they make things so simple for the average user. Almost any experienced watch smith can do repair work on a Seiko. You won’t feel any fears about having it done with your local repair shop because of the wide availability of replacement parts—making that one less thing to worry about!

You Can Mod a Seiko to Personalized Perfection

The greatest part about Seiko watches in our opinion? It’s their moddable nature, of course! No other watch company comes close in terms of third party modding, as most of their mods are done on extremely special occasions at very expensive prices. The Seiko watch market has produced many mod parts that third-party companies have made on their own to suit the needs of enthusiasts of one of the greatest watch brands on earth.

When you own a Seiko, you open yourself up to a whole new world of horology. Not only can you customize what you have, but you can actually even build an entire unit from scratch. If that’s not the coolest thing on earth, we don’t know what is!


As a watchmaker always having been known to give their all in making the best timepieces, Seiko is truly in the legendary-tier of watches. This article is an extremely condensed piece of only some of the reasons why Seiko timepieces are great. Seiko deserves way more attention than what it is getting now—so be sure to pick one up and see why the world loves these pieces so much!

Crystaltimes USA is the largest supplier of Seiko mod parts in the USA, dealing with nearly all facets of a watch, from bezels to sapphire crystals, and the small parts in between. Whether you are looking to customize your watch, upgrade it, or build one from scratch, we can be of help! Browse our catalog to find the mod parts that stick out for you, and let’s make it happen!

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