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Seiko Mod Configurator: Discontinued
Updated 11/22/24
We want to start off by thanking each and every one of you that helped us test, roll out and spread the news about the Seiko Mod Configurator we created in 2021.
We decided after careful consideration that it was best to discontinue the configurator. This was not an easy decision, but it is what’s best for the longevity of Crystaltimes in the modding space.
We gave it our all and invested a great deal of resources into building and maintaining it. Over time we found that the cost of maintaining it was taking away from the very thing that you come to Crystaltimes for: high quality parts, superior customer service and a place that you can rely on long term for modding.
The amount of time and money put into the configurator has been putting stress on those things, so we decided to discontinue the configurator so we can focus on deploying resources on the strength and longevity of the business.
Our focus moving forward is going back to what got us here in the first place. Providing the highest quality parts and reasonable prices, and delivering next level customer and community support.
Again, thank you to everyone who supported us on this project.
Back to business as usual. Supporting this community at the highest level.
Alex & Jeff